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St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love


Science Curriculum Leader – Mrs S Rodger



We aim for science at St Margaret’s to be fun, engaging and high quality; providing opportunities for all children to reach their potential.  We provide children with the knowledge and skills for a life of learning and curiosity; inspiring them to ask questions and equipping them to find answers.



We ensure that children have access to a wide range of educational experiences, making use of the school grounds, Christchurch Park and trips further afield.  We may invite visitors, speakers and companies leading workshops to inspire learning when available and appropriate.  Homework also may be used to encourage family involvement in science learning and discovery.




We want our children to become scientists – curious individuals who can ask questions, working together to discover the world around them and how it works.


Science is a way of working that allows children, through practical first-hand experiences and secondary sources, to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live. These experiences should enable children to observe, question, investigate, make sense of and communicate and evaluate their findings.



To encourage children to:

  • develop a questioning and reflective mind by providing a range of exciting and enjoyable activities;
  • develop a systematic and logical way of working;
  • apply their skills and knowledge to investigative work;
  • come to a deepening understanding of scientific concepts; and
  • work safely and carefully.



In Science we aim to give all children a strong understanding of the world around them. They are able to discover how the world works and our place, impact, roles and responsibilities within our environment. Our children are encouraged to ask questions and apply their growing scientific knowledge to investigate and learn more. The children are able to develop a systematic and logical way of working and are able to reflect on investigations and apply their growing knowledge. Science allows children to be inquisitive in a safe environment. It will help develop knowledge-rich, confident, articulate and investigative learners.







Year 4 did an experiment to see if gas weighed anything.

They weighed a carbonated drink with the bubbles in it, stirred until flat and then re-weighed. 

They found the carbon dioxide actually had a tiny amount of mass and that cola wasn't the one with the most gas - which was what most of them had predicted! 




Light experiment




British Science Week

This year's theme was based around time. Each class took the theme and either did a stand-alone investigation or integrated time into their current science learning. Well done all!



Science STEM day 2023

During STEM Science day each class rotated around their key stage to take part in 4 STEM activities.

Here is what some of the children had to say:

 "I learnt about science and making things. I made a bridge with (my friend) so our dinosaurs didn't die in the lava." EYFS child

"We learnt to make different sounds with bottles and water. The sound a bottle makes depends on how much water is in it" - KS1 child

"The bridge needed to be wide and strong where it went on the tables - where it started and ended.

We needed lots of paper to make it strong and make sure its designed to hold a specific weight" - LKS2 child

"I learnt that there are so many possibilities.

Not every idea you have works, and it is a bit like trial and error when doing so" - UKS2 child




Science at home

Have you ever wanted to make your own lava lamp or volcano?  Make an orange fizzy?  Create a storm in a glass?  Make snow fluff?  Go snow fishing?  Make your own expanding soap?

If you fancy having a go at any of these experiments or more please click on the link below:


Ways to support your child with Science

  1. Encourage curiosity about the world around them.  Science is all about asking questions and trying to find the answers.
  2. Enjoy exploring and finding possible answers together.  Exploring and experimenting is just as important as getting the ‘correct’ answer.
  3. Embrace the mess!  Sometimes exploring can be messy – let them wear old clothes and get stuck in.
  4. Don’t worry if things go wrong.  Discuss what happened and whether it brings up more or different questions.
  5. Encourage your child to record their observations or findings; maybe through writing, drawings or photographs.
  6. Follow up their interests with visits to the library or museums.