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St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love


Mrs C Gower - Music Enhancement Lead

I have always loved music! I began my musical journey at the age of 7, through piano lessons. I adored the piano and would spend hours and hours as a child, playing when I should have been doing my homework! I was introduced to singing at primary school but only as I reached high school did I realise how amazing it is! I have sung ever since, in a range of choirs and as a soloist. I was a member of the National Youth Choir in my late teens and had the privilege to sing at Handel’s church, in Germany, on one of several choir tours. I have been lucky to perform in the most beautiful acoustics, such as Bath Abbey and at many concert halls, including Snape Maltings. I currently sing with Britten Pears Chamber Choir.


However, despite my passion for singing, I found my greatest passion is to teach, and best of all, to teach music, as a singing teacher and as a primary school music lead. I believe every child can access music; every child can benefit from taking part in a musical activity; every child can gain a sense of well being from making music, listening to music and sharing in musical experiences; through music, every child can grow in self confidence and self-belief. Music has been proven to promote success in academic learning, creative arts, social development and a sense of positive well-being. School music groups further support this. I have run many music groups in schools including orchestras, choirs, recorder, flute and string ensembles - whatever benefits children’s interests. Our singing assemblies are a wonderful celebration of unity and togetherness.


I am delighted that I am able to share my love of this wonderful subject with your children!

Mrs Gower

Music has the immeasurable ability to enrich lives by providing stimulation, inspiration and happiness. At St Margaret’s, we aim to give every single child the chance to ignite their own passion for music through the broad curriculum and opportunities we provide. An engaging musical education will not only build confidence and self-esteem, but also motivates and encourages young people to have high aspirations of what they can achieve in other areas of their life.

Our weekly music lessons in class are supported by a scheme of work called Charanga. Alongside this excellent resource, we enrich the music curriculum with seasonal songs and consolidation activities such as ‘musical maths’ and rhythm games. We have also written bespoke schemes of work which recognise and celebrate the diversity of our community. These include units on African and Indian music, incorporating Romany folk songs into a unit on traditional song and celebrating Suffolk composers - Benjamin Britten and Ed Sheeran, in our song-writing topic. We look at composers in historical context, how music has developed over the centuries and where composers are geographically, linking learning across the curriculum whenever possible.


We celebrate the Christian faith through song at our weekly services in church and at special times of the year, with, for example, KS1 Nativity at Christmas. We enrich your children’s curriculum music with projects, both national ones and in-house, through collaborations with local musicians and national projects with organisations such as Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and English National Opera. These will vary over time to ensure we offer a broad range of creative arts experiences.   


Key Stage Music Tuition

In KS2, we are pleased to be able to offer music tuition in woodwind (flute and clarinet), brass (trumpet and cornet), guitar, violin and keyboard. Pupils have group lessons once a week with a visiting specialist.

At the end of the school year, all pupils learning an instrument are invited to participate in the end of year concert. In July 2023, 70 pupils came together to perform to a packed audience in St Margaret's church.

Whole School Worship

Music is embedded in our whole-school worship both in school and during our weekly visits to church. Pupils enjoy singing together and develop a sense of community through music. Mrs Gower delivers weekly singing assemblies, where the children  learn and rehearse a variety of worship songs and hymns as a group. Music has the power to bring together the community and this is something we are extremely passionate about at St Margaret’s.

"If I cannot fly, let me sing". 


- Stephen Sondheim 

School Music Groups


Lower School Choir: 

In the Autumn term, children in Years 2 and 3 are invited to join this choir.

This invitation is extended to Year 1 in the Summer term.


Upper School Choir: 

Open to children in Years 4, 5 and 6.


Recorder Club: 

Initially open to Year 4.


Further ensembles will be created and added at core times of the year.


Our Music Policy

How can I support my child with their musical education at home?

  • Have music playing in the background as much as possible
  • Sing with your child
  • Make your own musical instruments using objects around the house
  • Encourage your child to make up their own song/piece of music
  • Play musical games e.g. call and response by tapping out rhythms/take it in turns to hum a familiar tune and asking the other person to name the song/musical statues/musical chairs
  • If possible, attend live theatre productions or concerts with your child. We are lucky to have some lovely theatres on our doorstep, as well as free access to events such as Ipswich Music Day in Christchurch Park each year