Welcome to St. Margaret's PSHE Webpage...
“What we teach in the classroom will help our pupils foster
lifelong aspirations, goals and values.”
The PSHE Association.
Examples of PSHE around our School and in the Learning Environment:
Mrs Sarah Izzard - PSHE Lead
At University, I read English, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Second to this, I have always been fascinated by people. PSHE is an area of the curriculum, which has enabled me to further learn about others, the community, as well as myself. I believe that PSHE is a quintessential part of the curriculum at St. Margaret’s empowering the children with self-awareness, strategies to enable them to re-focus when they are feeling emotionally flooded, or to better face challenging situations that arise within their life journey, as well as developing a greater understanding of the parish and wider community in which they live.
Examples of PSHE Work - Being Me in my World:
Anti-Bullying Week 2023
When you are telling a joke and someone isn't laughing or they tell you to stop, you should stop because it could hurt their feelings. - Damilola
When someone asks you to stop or the person is not laughing, that's not banter. Three main things to look out for: if you would be upset if someone said that to you, the target isn't laughing, if the focus is someone's insecurities. - Yash
If you are making a joke but you take it too far, other people's feelings will be hurt and they will be sad. - Kwame