Puffins - Reception
Spring Term 2025
Happy New Year and welcome back to school.
Your teachers are -
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: Miss Elsdon
Thursday: Miss Joshua
Mrs Lillystone, Miss Chamberlain and Miss Wood are also in Puffins Class Monday - Friday.
In the Spring term, our topic will be based around 'Under the Sea', 'Space' and 'Spring'. We also want to know what you love to play with and talk about and will plan learning and activities around that!
Parents, please look below for additional information about the Early Year's curriculum and how we teach Phonics and Maths at St Margaret's.
If you have any questions, please email puffins@stmargaretsipswich.org
Meet the Teacher Presentation
EYFS Long Term Curriculum Plan 2023
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Spring Term Curriculum Map
General Resources and Information
Key Person
As stated in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, your child must be assigned a key person to help ensure that every child’s learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs. 'The key person must seek to engage and support parents and/or carers in guiding their child’s development at home. They should also help families engage with more specialist support if appropriate'. (Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. 1:16)
In Puffins Class, Miss Elsdon will be your child's key person.