Get in touch

St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love

Jellyfish - Year 4

Welcome to

Jellyfish Class

A Few Notes on Life in Year 4


Mrs Hall is the class teacher in Jellyfish class.  Mrs Anthony-Raj, Miss Wahl and Miss Brace are our Teaching Assistants in year 4. Mr Harrison is the year 4 teacher in Starfish class. On a Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Gower and Mr Durrant join the team to teach music and PE.


You can contact us via the school office or our class email:



Please be aware, this email address will only be attended to during office hours, Monday-Friday.


  • Our PE day is Wednesday
    • Please come to school dressed in your outside PE kit.
    • Green shorts, white T-shirt, white socks and trainers.
    • As the weather gets colder, children can wear navy/ grey or black tracksuit bottoms and jumper.


  • Reading
    • Your child needs to bring his/her reading book and Reading Record to school every day.
    • Children in Year 4 are expected to get into a daily reading habit of at least 5-10 minutes.
    • Please make time to hear your child and read to them too.  Talk to them about what they are reading to check their understanding of vocabulary and overall meaning. Please make a small note in your child's reading diary each time you hear them read.
    • In school, your child will read individually and also as a regular activity during English, using a range of texts and genres.


  • Homework
    • Homework will be set weekly on Friday, to be handed in the following Friday. 
    • Homework will consist of spellings and times tables to learn, as well as reading regularly.
    • Homework will also sometimes include mini projects.


And finally…

  • All stationary equipment is provided by the school therefore your child will not need to bring a pencil case into school.
  • Please make sure that all items of clothing are clearly named.
  • Water Bottles need to have a sports cap and are stored in the classroom; the children have access to them at any time. Please make sure they are clearly named.
  • Please make sure that your child brings a coat to school on cold wet days and a sun hat on warm days.


We are very much looking forward to teaching your child this year. We hope it will be one of achievement and enjoyment.


 Mrs Hall





Children in year 4 are allowed to bring a snack to school each day to eat at playtime. 


At St Margaret's we encourage our pupils to make healthy choices, snacks are part of this learning. They can be fruit or vegetables, but not items such as yoghurts, sandwiches, cheese.


Each day, children should bring their snack to the classroom so they have access to it during wet playtimes.

What are Year 4 learning this term?

Times tables

Use these games to build your times table speed. How fast can you answer each question?

Spellings information

SPaG Information
