Mental Health and Wellbeing
Remote Learning Offer 2021
National Wellbeing Award
Keep Busy Keep Happy
We know this time is going to be challenging for everyone. Although we are not in school, we will support you all as best we can remotely. Keep an eye on this page for ideas and activities to help you all get through this difficult time. Keep positive, keep praying and keep being kind!
Daily Challenges
Can't motivate the children to do school work? Try these instead...
Free online Parenting Courses
Thrive Weekly Activities
Even if your child/children don't usually have Thrive interventions at school, this strange and stressful time will make us all need emotional support at times.
Thrive activities are an excellent way of connecting with your children, helping them stay calm and happy. Why not give these simple and quick activities a try.
Week 13
Week 12
Week 11
Week 10
Week 9
Week 8
Week 7
Week 6
Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Welcome to our well-being section of the school website.
Please find useful links, our mental health and well-being policy and contacts.