Giraffes - Year 2
Hello Giraffes
It is lovely to be back in school for the new term.
Your teacher is Mr Newson. On Monday afternoon Year 2 have PE, which will be taught by Mr Durrant. On Tuesday morning Year 2 have music which will be taught by Mrs Gower. After music on Tuesday's Giraffes will be taught by Miss Joshua.
Don't forget we have PE on a Monday - so come to school wearing your PE kit.
You can contact us using our class email
Our new Giraffes - Jengo, Kibibi and Kiara have some interesting facts about themselves to share with you. . .
We know that giraffes mainly feed on acacia trees, but did you know that they use their long tongues to reach past the thorns to pick off the leaves behind?
Our giraffes are a Reticulated Giraffe. What makes them special is their distinguished 'net-like' pattern of their coat.
Giraffe's habitat is the dry savannahs, in sub-Saharan Africa. Our giraffes can be found in Kenya, Ethiopia ad Somalia. Can you find these countries in Africa?
Welcome to Year 2
We are looking forward to an exciting Spring term and here is an overview of our learning.
Autumn 2024 Year 2 curriculum overview
Phonics homework will be sent out on a Friday. Maths homework will be sent out on a Monday. Children have 2 weeks to complete their homework.
Reading is so important. Your child will have 2 reading books, which will be changed every Friday. Please read with your child as much as possible and record in the orange reading diary. Please make sure reading books are at school every day because we also hear the children read in school. Reading is also for pleasure so here is a list of books you can share with your child.
Scroll down the page to find. . .
- Something For Fun!
- Take a look at an online book
- We're all going to the zoo today!
- Useful information to support your child's learning
Take a look
at an online book
We all enjoy looking at and listening to stories, so why not listen to a story online?
You can even become an illustrator of books. There are lots of stories for you to listen to 10:00am Tuesday and Thursday – Draw with Rob
We're all going to the zoo today. . .
Can you spot our own giraffes at Africa Alive?
Something For Fun
Find fun games on Twinkl Go
Maths is fun!
Useful information to support your child's learning