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St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love


Computing is not about computers anymore.

It is about living.

Nicholas Negroponte

Miss Benjamin


Computing Curriculum Coordinator


Having completed my own education when using computing and technology was in its infancy I continually marvel at how quickly changes have arisen and how fast children can adapt and embrace these advances. We live in a world now where there is a need to keep up with technological advances or get left behind. Our world is becoming increasingly reliant on technology and computers to complete everyday tasks so we must educate ourselves to be best equipped to support not only our own technological lives but those of the children we are supporting.


From my own experience of using computers growing up and even as an adult I know that one of the best ways to learn how to use a new piece of technology is to experiment and play with it. As a child I would continually make PowerPoint slides on various different topics experimenting with the animation and design elements in my spare time and creating Excel Documents of various household items. I believe very firmly that children today still need this opportunity to play and use equipment.


Computers are not just for computing at St Margaret's CEVA Primary School. We expect all children to be regularly using a range of up to date technology to enhance and support their learning across the curriculum. Children are required to use some form of technology termly and to type one piece of text on the computer each term. This requirement is slightly different for EYFS classes but the use of technology is very much encouraged and supported. This will allow the children to begin to practise and embed the skills they learn in their computing lessons to other areas of the curriculum. It is vitally important that children are taught how to use technology and computers safely and make use of an E-Safety curriculm that is adapted to the specific needs of the children in each class. Teachers have license to adapt and teach the content when they feel it is needed and keep abreast of new apps,  platforms and games that their classes are using. 


I have been on an incredible learning journey since taking on the role of Computing Curriculum Coordinator and feel truly inspired and excited about the future of Computing at our school.



I want our children to leave St Margaret’s with the tools, skills and knowledge to safely interact and engage with an increasingly digital world and to aspire to use technology as a positive resource for themselves and their communities. 

Key Documents

The children's thoughts on their computing lessons

Christmas Stop-Frame animation

Still image for this video

Take a look at computing in our school
