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St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love


Mrs Febvre, English Lead

Reading progression map 2023-2024

Long term plan for English: texts used

“Books are a uniquely portable magic”

Stephen King


At the heart of our approach to learning at St Margaret’s is high quality literature.  We have based our curriculum on the Power of Reading, supported by other materials, which enables children to develop into confident and enthusiastic readers and writers. We choose our texts carefully to widen our pupils’ experiences of life and to enable them to empathise with the characters and consider important issues in the modern world.

         We aim to engender a love of reading and a fascination with vocabulary. We explicitly teach a wide range of vocabulary to the children during their time at the school. This helps them understand and evaluate the ideas of others and gives them the skills they need in reading, writing and oral communication. Access to a wide range of quality literature enables the children to become confident and articulate speakers who can debate, express opinions and listen carefully to the views of others. We use drama regularly in our reading and writing activities to bring books to life and help children empathise with the characters. We provide a wide range of reading materials and help the children to develop their own tastes as readers.

          The essential skills of phonics are taught systematically at the appropriate level for pupils throughout the school. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are taught explicitly in each year group and these skills are then used in the writing the children produce. We expose the children to a wide range of authors and help them develop their own writing skills so that they can express themselves clearly in a range of writing styles including: narrative fiction, factual reports, letters, diary entries and poetry.

           We have a well-stocked school library to which all children from Year One have access. Staff are on hand to help the children find books which will engage and inspire  them.

Our school library

Below you will find lists of recommended books for each year group.

Meet our reading ambassadors!

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Meet our reading ambassadors - Part 2

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Meet our reading ambassadors - Part 3

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Reading areas around the school

The Black History Book Group were interviewed by the BBC in October this year.

World Book Day 2023

      We had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! 

World Book Day 2023

Our Reading Ambassadors for Year Six

Whales class Reading Ambassadors

 Here are our Reading Ambassadors for this year. They are all volunteers from Year Six who have a love of reading. They will help me keep the library tidy, help choose new books and promote reading throughout the school.

Reading Ambassadors 2023-2024

 Here are our Reading Ambassadors for the year 2023-2024. they are all volunteers who share a love of reading. They help me organise book-related events, keep the library tidy and choose new reading books.

Year 5 and 6 watched an excellent production of The Last Post, a drama set in World War 1. We really enjoyed it. It gave us a new understanding of what life was like at that time.

Winner of Book Mastermind

 Holly was our winner of the Northgate Book Mastermind. She competed against several other schools ls in the area. We are very proud of her!

World book day 2024

 We all had a wonderful time on World Book Day!

World Book Day quiz winners!

Pyjamarama Day 2024
