Get in touch

St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love

4 Every 1 Inclusion, Diversity and Equality Group

Welcome to the '4 Every 1' page. This page is for everyone no matter your race, belief or sexuality, we look out for everyone. 

What we do

We are a group of Year 5 and 6 children who try to teach children of any age that differences are ok and we all should accept one another. We try to show the children that they can discuss matters, ask for advice and we will happily support them.

Projects in the future

We are planning on training a few year 6's to be able to help and solve children's problems in the playground


St Margaret's child have gathered together

To make a club that will last forever

If you want to speak out

Then give us a shout

If you have a query

Tell us we wont be weary

Need someone to talk to 

That's what we're here for 

Together we'll do more


