October 14th - Newsletter 4
St Margaret' s CEVA Primary School Newsletter
Autumn Term 4 Friday 14th October 2022
Harvest Thanks
Would you please give a huge thank you to all pupils, families and staff at St Margaret's School for the fabulous Harvest gifts which they donated for our Top Up Shop at Mary le Tower Church. What a wonderful selection of food and toiletries. We now have a Santa's Grotto of delicious treats to offer in the coming weeks to our lovely customers. It will be a real boost in the current climate in every sense. Thank you so much for your generosity and thoughtfulness.
With blessings from us all at St Mary le Tower, Revd Celia and Revd Tom
Cost of living support
Please find this booklet from Suffolk County Council above which may be helpful in the current financial climate. -https://suffolk.pagetiger.com/cost-of-livingsupport/scc1?ptia=n
Coffee Morning
Please join us for our coffee morning on Thursday 20th October straight after dropping your child. This will be followed by the planting of our Queen's Jubilee Tree in the playground, kindly bought by the PTA.
Swap Club
As there is high demand for a sticker swap club, we will be offering a swap club on a Friday lunch time for a time limited period. Children will be able to bring in any cards or stickers for swapping and this will be a supervised activity. However, cards are only allowed in on a Friday and must not be seen on the playground or in the classroom, only on these dates at the allotted time : 12.30 - 1 on Friday 4th, 11th and 18th November
- School will be closed for Staff Training Day on Friday 21st October 2022
- Half Term Week will be Monday 24th October - Friday 28th October. We will see your child back in school on Monday 31st October 2022
- Parents Evening appointments are available to book via Parentmail. Please make sure you have booked one for your child to discuss their progress with their Teacher. If you are having difficulties with this please contact the school office and they will be happy to help.
- Tuesday 18th October 4.30pm - 7.30pm Parents Evening (late)
- Wednesday 19th October - Flu Vaccinations (This is an opt in service, letter to follow nearer the time)
- Thursday 20th October 3.30pm - 6.00pm Parents Evening (early)
- Thursday 20th October 9am Coffee morning in school hall followed by Jubilee tree planting All welcome
- Thursday 20th October Pupil wellbeing day
- Friday 21st October Professional Development Day for staff School closed for pupils Monday 24th - Friday 28th October Half term School Closed
- Monday 31st School open for pupils