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St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love


Welcome to the Governors' section.


The Governing Body of St Margaret's


The governors are volunteers from all walks of life who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education by supporting the school. The governors work together as a body to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction and that the school delivers a good quality education by holding the Head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school. They ensure and oversee the financial procedures of the school, making sure money is well spent.


At St Margaret’s Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School there are 14 members of the governing body made up of representatives from St Margaret’s Church, the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, the Local Authority, the parent body and the staff body. The majority of the governors are foundation governors, they must also ensure that the school is led and managed in accordance with its Trust Deed and its ethos statement. PCC elected Governors ensure there is a link between the school and St Margaret's Church.


All our current Governors have a right to vote.


Governor Details 2024/25



Governor Category

Appointing Body

Term of office is 4 years and ends on

Committee Membership

Position of responsibility/ lead roles

Interests to declare

 Gill Jackson  


 Diocesan Board   of Education

 Appointed on   01.09.2024

 Ends on   31.08.2028

 Learning &   Standards

 Chair of Learning and   Standards


 Revd Sarah   Geileskey






 Spiritual oversight of   the school

 Vicar of St   Margaret's   Church

 Julie Temple


 Parochial Church   Council

 Appointed on  15.6.2022

 Ends on   14.6.2026

 Finance,   Personnel,   

 Chair of personnel


 Mental Health Link   Governor

 Parent of   pupils at the   school

 Nick Jacob


 Diocesan Board   of Education

 Appointed on   01.09.2022

 Ends on   31.08.2026

 Buildings &  Premises,


 Chair of Buildings &   Premises

 IT Link Governor

 Mr Jacob’s   company

 'Nicholas   Jacobs   Architects'   provides   building advice

 Revd Jo Gunn


 Ex - officio







 Inga Lockington

   Local Authority

 County Council

 Appointed on   31.01.2021

 Ends on



 Learning &   Standards


 Community liaison


 Julie Febvre


 Elected by Staff

 Appointed on   21.01.2019

 Ends on   31.01.2027

 Learning &   Standards


 Equalities staff link

 Member of staff

 David Matthews


 Diocesan Board   of Education

 Appointed on 17.01.2022

 Ends on 


 Learning &   Standards



 Chair of   Trustees -   Essex &   Suffolk   Children's   University

 Churchwarden   -  St Mary le   Tower

 Shamaila Waddle


 Parochial Church   Council

 Appointed on   16.06.2022   Ends on   15.06.2026

 Learning &   Standards, 


 Chair of Admissions 

 Attendance Link   Governor

 Parent of pupil   at school

 Tim Underwood


 Elected by   parents

 Appointed on   21.6.2022

 Ends on   30.06.2026

 Buildings &   Premises


 Vice Chair of   Governors

 Health & Safety Link   Governor

 Parent of   pupils at the   school

 Chair of   Trustees - St   Mary's Pre-


 David Wilson


 Parochial Church   Council

 Appointed on   01.09. 2015

 Ends on





 Chair of Governors

 Chair of Finance

 Assessment Link   Governor

 Parent of a   pupil at the   school




 Parochial Church   Council

 Appointed on    Ends on  



 Debbie Richards



 Appointed on   31.01.2023   Ends on   30.01.2027

 Learning &   Standards


 Member of   Staff
 Sarah Hayward-   Cox   Parent Elected by       Parents

 Appointed on   18.10.2023

 Ends on   17.10.2027

 Learning &   Standards,   Personnel SEND None



To contact the chair of governors: Please write via the school labelled 'For the Attention of the Chair of Governors' or email directly to chair.governors@stmargaretsipswich.org 


