Get in touch

St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love


Bonjour! Je m'appelle Madame Webster.


J'aime le français et le latin et j'aime les enseigner.
À l'école, c'était deux de mes matières préférées.


At St Margaret's our aim is to learn to read, write and speak French at our level and while doing that to enjoy French and have fun. We have our own games and books, as well as making use of Rigolo and Oak Academy French lessons. We try to improve our accents by watching and listening to stories in French and even perform plays in French.



In Year 6 we introduce Latin, a very useful and logical language, which is at the root of many current expressions and English vocabulary, including lots of names. Year 6 learn Latin with the assistance of a small mouse called Minimus.

Salve, nomen meum est Minimus mus et ego hic adiuva ut linguam Latinam discas.

Here are some of the Language resources we have at school.

If you see me around school or anywhere out and about, give me a greeting in French or Latin and I will respond!

Here is additional information about the teaching of languages at St Margarets.

This is our long term plan for language teaching at St Margaret's. In the National Curriculum the teaching of languages starts in Key Stage 2 which is why the plan starts at Year 3.

Here is our Languages policy
