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St Margaret's CEVA Primary School

Transforming lives by living and learning together in God's love

DT Long Term Plan







Year 1


Freestanding structures



Freestanding structures – making a Billy Goats Gruff Bridge

Learning about freestanding structures within our environment and designing and making our own Billy Goats Gruff Bridge.


Joining materials 





Designing and creating bunting and experimenting with ways to join materials. 


Sliders and levers



Moving space pictures

Learning about how to create sliders and levers, and then using these to create a moving space picture.


Year 2

Templates and joining



Capes for Traction Man

Creating and using templates and then using joining  techniques with textiles to create a new cape for Traction Man.


Preparing fruit and vegetables


Africa - making fruit smoothies

Creating a whole class recipe from individual investigations of food to then create an African fruit smoothie


Wheels and axles




Looking at the mechanisms

wheels and axles to create a catapult.



Year 3

2d shape to 3d product – sewing


“Ugg the stone age boy” - Sewing

Making soft trousers for Ugg

Shell structures




Making model marble run mazes using a variety of materials.


Healthy and varied diet



Making Wraps

Investigating and making wraps to take on a journey when following a map


Year 4



Pavilions - Monarchs

Designing a standing structure using 3D shaped drawings. Creating the wooden structure as designed and decorating with material.

Levers and linkages


Romans – Lever and linkages
Use levers, linkages and pulleys to create moving pictures which display Roman battles, the equipment and weapons they used.


Simple circuits and switches

Electricity - Torches

Combining Design and Technology skills with knowledge from science to make a nightlight.

Year 5

Mechanical systems -  gears, levers and pulleys


Using mechanical systems to make a crane to pull Santa out of a chimney.


Healthy and balanced diet



A healthy lifestyle – Super salads

To research the main food groups and use this knowledge to create a healthy balanced salad.

Frame structures



Bird Hides


Research into bird hides to design and making our own sturdy, useable bird hides.


Year 6

Structures –making replicas of WW1 trenches



“Stay where you are and then leave” - WW1 model trenches


Creating replica/model WW1 trenches for

the purpose of displaying and educating a person/people.


Computer-aided design software 



Macbeth- creating character puppets 



Designing and creating table top puppets with inspiration from the play Macbeth. Using a computer-aided design software to think about the size, shape and placement of the integral parts of the puppet. 


Food packaging




Mayan themed wraps and packaging.



Investigating Mayan food and using this knowledge to design, create and evaluate Mayan wraps. Researching into packaging and designing packaging for our wraps. 


