Collective Worship
Collective Worship
This term we are focussing on Perseverance in our Monday whole school collective worship and our Wednesday church services.
Hebrews 12:1 NLT
Our main focuses this half term are harvest, Hello Yellow day (World Mental Health Day) and Black History Month.
Pupil Worship leaders
Some of our Upper Key stage two children have decided that they would like to become Pupil worship leaders, meaning they are involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of our Whole school collective worship, hold serving roles in our church services and support the spiritual development of their peers in other ways too, for example helping to plan one of our Soul Space reflection days.
Soul Space
Once per term, every class visits a Soul Space, which is held in the Garrett Memorial Hall next door to our school. This involves taking part in different reflective activities, to get us to think about our view of the world, our part to play and how we can impact those around us and bigger questions about faith and our existence.
Some of our previous Soul Space questions have been: What do you have in your life that you are thankful for? What gifts do you have that you could share with others? How would you feel if you saw an angel?
St Margaret’s School Prayer
Father God,
Thank you for this day
And as we work, rest and play,
Help us not to fear
And to know that you are near.
Help us to do what is right,
And be bold and shine your light.
Thank you for this day,
Be with us we pray.
Other Support
Mrs Barnes is our School Chaplain.
We work alongside St Margaret’s Church and Revd Sarah Geileskey leads our Wednesday morning church services. More details of the church can be found at